IAQ Quality Sustainability Award 2022
Source: IAQ Quality Sustainability Award Website
The IAQ Quality Sustainability Award aims to identify and share good examples of how quality management principles have been used to develop more sustainable solutions and offerings while reducing waste and optimizing the use of resources. By sharing such good examples and success stories, the skills to create more result-focused sustainability work will enhance, and the possibility to link important knowledge and competence within the field of quality management to today’s sustainability activities will be increased. Another important purpose is to create a public database of good examples linking quality management to sustainability for future research, learning and benchmarking to facilitate leverage.
The Quality Sustainability Award recognizes projects with positive results in sustainability corresponding to the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals through the use of quality management principles, methodologies & techniques.
Advantages of participating include:
•Demonstrate project contribution to sustainability.
•Inspire others to integrate quality and sustainability.
•Be recognized for your achievements.
For more information about the competition and how to apply, visit:
About the Quality in Planet Earth Concerns Think Thank (QiPECTT)
The International Academy for Quality (IAQ) and many quality researchers/professionals have long tried to spread knowledge about how to transform today’s symptom-focused sustainability approach to a more improvement-focused system that makes a difference by delivering real measurable results. Many papers and articles have been written, presentations have been made at conferences worldwide, and theoretical models have been developed to show the link between quality and sustainability. Some progress has been made, but the need for empirical proof and examples of real improvement activities that have delivered effects/results within the area of sustainability is strong.
QiPECTT mission is to bring planet earth concerns to the mainstream of Quality Management and introduce Quality Management into planet Earth concerns. The Think Tank works on the process of meeting human communities’ needs and respective goals in coexistence with ecosystems to continue and to provide the resources upon which social and economic development depend. Social and economic sustainability should be in harmony with environmental sustainability; that is, the exploiting rate of natural systems should not exceed their regenerative capacity.
For more information, visit:
International Academy for Quality (IAQ), www.iaquality.org
IAQ Quality in Planet Earth Concerns Think Tank
Show Your Commitment and Apply
From June 1, 2022, to August 31, 2022